Want to get to know some fellow bloggers? Blogger Secrets will tell you some things that you maybe dying to know about some of your favorite bloggers.

Which character would you take as your Husband?
Definitely Seth from "Danann Frost Falls From Grace" by Joanne Valiukas. He's totally dark, dangerous, and sexy, yet his love for Danann is amazingly strong and unwaivering.
Which 5 book characters would you take as Lovers?
Yeah, so you might think this is cheating, but I bet people will totally agree with me. Wrath, Zhadist, & Rhage from the Black Dagger Brotherhood series, Barrons from the Fever series, and Thane from "Lust" by Charlotte Featherstone.
Exact thoughts when you are waiting for a upcomming book release you are dying to read?
"I wonder if netGalley has it"... "Should I contact the author and see if I could possibly review it?"... "That's it. I'm preordering it from B&N!" lol
What book series are you currently obsessing over?
The Black Dagger Brotherhood by JR Ward. I just recently started reading these and I'm so glad I did!
If you could trade places with one book character who would it be and why?
I absolutely want to be Danann from "Danann Frost Falls From Grace" by Joanne Valiukas! She's a lot like me already and the love that her and Seth share is unlike any other. He calls her "my goddess" for goodness sake! lol