
Mystifying Cover Reveal: Shadowflame


I was so happy when she posted the new cover on Facebook. But I am slightly disappointed in this cover. I don't like it as much as the other one where at the same time I kind of like it. I don't know if it is just me or but I don't like the model, I can't tell if it is a different model or not though. This is one of those cases when I have to let the cover sink in and probaly later I'll be like, "OMFG. I LOVE THIS COVER!", but on another note Miranda looks very different from the first book and probaly because of the big transformation she has made at the end of book 1, Queen of Shadows and things have changed for her.

I love the bad ass look though. I think this cover reflects how much stronger as a person she has gotten. I can't wait to read this book! Book 1, Queen of Shadows is one of the best urban fantasy books of 2010! Okaiexz...After I have looked at it for a while, I am now like OMFG I LOVE THIS COVER!...see, I'm weird, I have a weird affect on bookcovers...hehe.=D Released July 26, 2011


  1. What a cool cover, I haven't read the first book but would love to give it a try.

  2. Great cover! I really like it! =D Thanks for sharing hon! =)))
