Want to get to know some fellow bloggers? Blogger Secrets will tell you some things that you maybe dying to know about some of your favorite bloggers.

Which character would you take as your Husband?
Bones from The Night Huntress Series by Jeaniene Frost. Loyal, protective and ohhh so yummmmy
Which 5 book characters would you take as Lovers?
In no specific order...
Archangel From The Guild Hunter Series by Nalini Singh
Curran from The Kate Daniels series by Ilona Andrews
Smokey from the Sisters of the Moon series by Yasmine Galenorn
Barrons from the Fever Series by Karen Moning
Trent Kalamack lol from the Hollows series by Kim Harrison
Archangel From The Guild Hunter Series by Nalini Singh
Curran from The Kate Daniels series by Ilona Andrews
Smokey from the Sisters of the Moon series by Yasmine Galenorn
Barrons from the Fever Series by Karen Moning
Trent Kalamack lol from the Hollows series by Kim Harrison
Exact thoughts when you are waiting for a upcomming book release you are dying to read?
"Can it take any LONGER for Borders to shelf or Ship something" "I wonder if Netgalley has it up for review" "hmm maybe the Author will send it to me for review"
What book series are you currently obsessing over?
Im not really obsessing over any BUT I just read Arcane Circle by Linda Robertson and Crimson Wind by Diana Francis and can not WAIT until the next books come out.
If you could trade places with one book character who would it be and why?
Gin Blanco from the Elemental Assasin series by Jennifer Estep. She is a super secret kickass assasin, has loyal friends, a hot boyfriend and super Elemental powers need I say more?
Vampire or Shifter? Shifter
Book or Ereader? I really love both but I love having a book copy of my fave books.
Angel or Demon? Angel
Paperback or Hardback? Paperback because they are cheaper.
Favorite Vampire? Bones duh
Favorite Shifter? Faith from Rachel Vincent Shifters
YA novel or Adult novel? Adult
Favorite Food? Chicago style pizza and cheese fries with actual cheese sauce
Favorite Season? Fall