
Blogger Secrets Presents: Confessions of a Bookaholic


Which character would you take as your Husband?
John from Going Too Far by Jennifer Echols. He's a cop, he's hot, he's romantic. Is there anything better than that?

Which 5 book characters would you take as Lovers?
Zsadist (Black Dagger Brotherhood- Lover Awakened)
Four (Divergent)
Dimitri (Vampire Academy)
Tucker (Unearthly)
Alex (Perfect Chemistry)

Exact thoughts when you are waiting for a upcomming book release you are dying to read?
Calm...calm....calm...FREAK OUT! I try to count down the days and read other books but sometimes I can't help myself and I stalk the goodreads page looking for reviews. Then I make myself not read them because I don't want to spoil it. If it's a BIG release (like Mockingjay was) I have to cut myself off from the internet to stay away from spoilers.

What book series are you currently obsessing over?
I recently read Divergent by Veronica Roth and fell in love! I'm not sure how I will wait for book 2. It's one of the best books I've read in a long long time. Many of the recent books I've read have been the first in a series so I'm excited for book 2: Paranormalcy, Unearthly, and Shade. Each of these had amazing first books and I know the rest of the series will be just as good.

If you could trade places with one book character, who would it be and why?
Gosh, that's a hard one. I loved Rose in the Vampire Academy series. I mean who wouldn't want 2 hot guys fighting over you all the time? Good stuff!

Random Short Answer
Vampire or Shifter? Used to be vampire, now it's shifter.
Book or Ereader? Book. I have a Kindle but books will always be my favorite.
Angel or Demon?Demon!
Paperback or Hardback?Paperback. Much easier to read.
Favorite Vampire? ...............................
Favorite Shifter? Ya know, I gotta go way back and say that Jacob (Twilight) will probably always be my favorite.
YA novel or Adult novel?I enjoy both, but I'd have to say YA novel.

Jessica's Blogger Workspace
STALK JESSICA Twitter / Goodreads

Thank you so much Jessica for joining me for Blogger Secrets this week. =D


  1. A DIVERGENT CHARACTER IS ANNOUNCED ONE OF YOUR LOVERS?! Now I really have to read that book XD

  2. Oh man Ive been hearing a lot of buzz on Divergent! Im getting more and more excited about it!!

  3. Cute laptop cover. Thanks for sharing!

    Stephanie G
    Paranormal Haven

  4. YOU GOTTA READ DIVERGENT!! :) OMG, it's up there with The Hunger Games to me. YES, I said it! HUNGER GAMES! My review is coming soon but OMGGGG, it's beyond amazing.

    Just had to chime in because I will be raving about that book for a lonnnng time. :)

    Thanks for the comments! <3 <3

  5. I'M JEALOUS! They ran outta ARCs so I couldn't get a copy. Hurry up, and let it be May! Dying to read this book XD

    Btw, I would so pick Rose too. I wanna flirt some with Adrian and swoon some m ore over Dimitri in real life XD
