
Follow Me Friday (30)

Q. Let's step away from the books for a second and get personal. What t-shirt slogan best describes you?

To be honest I have no idea. I was given a shirt that said, "I'm smiling, that should scare you." But really I have no freckin' clue. Oh, wait. I'm always being told in my house that I'm Stewie from the family guy and they told me that I should own those shirts at the bottom LOL

Why Haven't You Stopped Talking - Stewie - Family Guy T-shirtYou Got My Money - Family Guy T-shirtWhat Else Can I Do To Ignore You? - Stewie Griffin - Family Guy T-shirt


  1. LOL, they're great!!!

  2. Happy FF from a returning follower. Nice choice. I love Stewie.

    ~Daniel A. Kaine - http://shikiharu.blogspot.com~

  3. Love them. They all sound very funny. Just visiting. Saying hello.

  4. I love stewie!!! I have one of him Drunk telling Brian that he's sexy :) classiccc

  5. LOL, I love Stewie. Great T-shirts. New follower! Check out my FF at Anonymous Reads. Have a great day!


  6. Hi & Happy Friday :)

    These are great! love it.

    My FF, http://obsessionwithbooks.blogspot.com

    Have a nice weekend.

  7. I love Stewie! And oddly enough, those t-shirts really go for me as well! XD Even the money one!

    New follower, but I didn't find you from FF, oddly enough! I found you on Goodreads, through a poll! Lucky! :D

    Here mine! :3 http://chroniclesofabookee.blogspot.com/2011/07/meme-follow-friday-no3.html

  8. First Stewie ones I've seen today!!

    Here's my Friday Hops

    Have a GREAT weekend!

    Old Follower :)

  9. Hi, new follower! These are great! I love Family Guy.

    Here is my first FF: Pawing Through Books

  10. New follower thru Friday Blog hop. Great t-shirt slogans!


  11. I like that first one! I feel most of my students could be wearing it. =)

    Here's mine: http://www.stuckinbooks.com/2011/07/follow-friday-72911.html

  12. Great answer, here's mine: PS I'm your new follower!


  13. Oh, I love you even more girl! Stewie is the man. I lovers him. Great choices! :]

    Thanks for stopping by my friday memes as well!

    ♥ Sarah

  14. LOL, I definitely need the first one ^^
    ....maybe the third one too...

    My Follow Friday

    and I'm also Hosting a Giveaway ;) Might want to check it out

  15. Hopping through. Doing a late, post-signing hop. I'm tired after the signing. My friend and I were at Cafe Latte chatting for a long time. It was great meeting you tonight!
    My Hop
