
Waiting on Wednesday: A Million Suns by Beth Revis

+ JANUARY 10 2012+

It’s been three months since Elder unplugged Amy, tearing her from her family and the life she always knew. Now, Eldest is dead and Orion awaits judgment for his murder as a frozen. Elder is finally free to enact his vision for the ship’s population—no more Phydus, no more lies.

But when Elder learns harrowing news about the ship, he and Amy are sent on a race to discover the truth behind life on Godspeed. They must work together to unlock a puzzle that was set in motion hundreds of years earlier, all the while dealing with the romance that’s growing between them and the chaos that threatens to tear them apart.

Beth Revis wows us again with a brilliantly crafted mystery filled with action, suspense, romance, and deep philosophical questions. And this time it all boils down to one mind-bending conclusion: They have to get off this ship.

I loved Across the Universe like no other, especially the ending of Across the Universe. I can't wait to see what happens next on the ship especially since Elder will be taking the role as "The Eldest".


  1. I haven't read Across the Universe yet, but this one sounds like it's going to be good!!

    My WoW: This Dark Endeavor

    On the Blog: Interview+Giveaway: Justin Gustainis: Hard Spell

  2. I am! I am tempted to read Across the Universe but I still need to finish a number of books in my TBR pile before acquiring more.

  3. Great pick! I'm so excited for this one! I loved Across the Universe and I also adore this cover :)

  4. Awesome pick! I'm pretty excited for this one, myself. I enjoyed Across the Universe a lot. Not to mention the fact that this cover is gorgeous!

    Here's my WOW pick.

  5. Hi! New follower!

    Great Pick, I'm kind of shocked that I haven't read Across the Universe yet, but I shall be getting it soon, sounds amazing!

    You can find my WoW: http://nomaliciousreads.blogspot.com

  6. A great pick! I'll have to get my hands on 'Across the Universe'.

    My WoW, http://obsessionwithbooks.blogspot.com

    Have a nice week..

  7. Oh wow, I am currently reading Across the Universe and I have to say, with the way the story's going, I can't wait to get my hands on A Million Suns! I love Elder. Great pick! :)

    Check out my Waiting on Wednesday picks!

  8. I haven't had a chance to read Across the Universe, but I've been dying to!

    Great pick!

    Rie @ Mission to Read

  9. I have yet to read Across the Universe, but have it on TBR shelf. Hopefully I will get it read before this is released. Great pick!

  10. I'm waiting on this one, too! Could I be more excited? Excellent choice!

    Check out my WOW this week!

  11. I forgot about this one. Good choice. just saying hello.

  12. Seeing this one around lately!! Haven't read the first one though! Great pick!

    Here's my WoW

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  13. I am excited for this one too, but I didn't LOVE Across the Universe. I see that you are reading Touch of Frost -- I did love that one! New follower :)

    That Bookish Girl

  14. I really need to read Across the Universe. Everyone seems to lovers it.

    Great pick!

    Paranormal Wastelands' WoW:

  15. Across the Universe was a DNF for me, but I am glad you enjoyed it enough to be excited for the sequel! =)

    My WoW

  16. I still haven't gotten to read Across the Universe and I hope I can remedy that soon, as she's coming to a city an hour away from mine on a multi-author tour. Out of 6 authors, I only lack having read anything by 2 of them.

    Thanks for stopping by!

  17. I haven't read Across the Universe yet, but I have it on my tbr list and it looks great. I love the cover to this one though, it's so pretty! Great pick :).

  18. I haven't had a chance to read Across the Universe yet, but I've heard great things about it! Great pick though!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog :)

  19. Sounds like an interesting read, enjoy!

  20. Great pick! I read Across the Universe and I really enjoyed it. I can't wait to see how Elder manages the ship and read more about his relationship with Amy.
    Erika@Let's talk about books

  21. ooooooooh yeaaaaaaaah!! this is suuuuch a most anticipated 2012 book!! I loved ATU! hell, so many great books!! love this choice for this wed! =9 Im drooling XD

  22. I have Across the Universe in my TBR pile, so now I need to add this one!

    Here's my WoW

  23. I still need to read Across the Universe, but I'm thinking I might wait until December so I don't have to wait as long for this one! Haha. That's the one bright side to being so behind in my reading. :P Great pick!

    New follower :)
    My Wow

  24. I've heard so much about the first book. I really want to read them both! I better get on the first one so I'll be ready when the second comes out. Great pick!

    My WoW: http://astorytolove.blogspot.com/2011/07/waiting-on-wednesday-unbecoming-of-mara.html

  25. Nice pick! I still need to read Across the Universe, but I'm really looking forward to starting the series!

  26. I love the covers of this series!

    Thanks for stopping by!

  27. *Check calendar* Ugh! Not January yet! I want to read this so bad!

    Here's my W.O.W

    - Mary @ Anxirium

  28. I keep seeing this series. Guess I need to check it out! Nice pick!
