
Cover Reveal: Nice Girls Don't Bite Their Neighbors by Molly Harper

Nice Girls Don't Bite 

Their Neighbors

by Molly Harper

Released: March 2012

What do you think?

I love the new Jane Jameson cover! It is so beautiful. I honestly think this is the nest cover out of all of them. I think the red makes a huge impact on the cover. They definitely chose the right colors. I can't wait to read it the newest Jane Jameson book when it releases.


  1. I've read Molly Harper's werewolf series but not this one. I did like them so I think I'll be giving this one a try too.

    Paranormal Haven

  2. Nice! I've read her Naked Werewolf series as well and because of it I'm interested in reading her other books. This one looks good. Time to do a bit of research on GoodReads me thinks!

  3. I agree. The cover definitely caught my eye first thing!

  4. Oohh I've never read anything by her, but I'm loving this cover! Sexy! I'm curious now. *runs over to Goodreads* :)

    ♥ Sarah @ I'm Loving Books

  5. I'm with you, I love the cover and I love the series! I think I may need to do a re-read though.... Book Savvy Babe’s
