
In My Mailbox (35)

I screamed and ran around the room like an idiot when I opened my package from Harper Teen this week to find Shatter Me by Tahereh Mafi inside and I already read it! It's as amazing as everyone says it is! I'll die before the next book releases, I'll just die! I WANT NOW!

I also received an RAK this week from Rose May and I don't even know what blog she's from or if she has a blog at all but thank you so much. I got Dragon Bound by Thea Harrison. I have already read this book months ago because of my library find, but I am extremely happy to have my very own copy.


  1. Everyone is getting Shatter Me!! I want it nowwww :) The ARC jealousy is rearing it's ugly head today.

    My IMM :)

  2. UGGGH! I want Shatter Me soooo bad! You lucky duck!

    New follower :D

    Here's my IMM!

  3. I just finished Dragon Bound it was soo good! ;D WHY have I not heard about Shatter Me yet?!!

  4. Shatter Me is on my "I'd give my right hand to have a copy" list. Happy Reading!

    Here is the link to my IMM...

  5. Seeing Shatter Me around quite a bit lately! Hope you enjoy both your books! Happy Reading!

    Here's my IMM

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  6. Shatter Meeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! jealous!!!!! =9
    I was supposed to received The Hidden this week but I didnt! they delayed the shipping and hell know why! I sent emails asking why and they said they would send it asap as they find the seller or whatever! I hope it is shipped by Monday T_T... Im desperate!

  7. Lucky you!! Just like everyone else, I really want to read Shatter Me. So glad you enjoyed it.

    Heres mine:

  8. Dragon Bound! Thea Harrison and Virna DePaul are doing a signing together next month just a few minutes from my house. I can't wait to go!!

    Paranormal Haven

  9. I loved Dragon Bound, hope you like it! Have a great weekend! Book Savvy Babe’s IMM

  10. I can't wait to read Shatter Me!! I hope you enjoy.

    Check out my IMM here.

    Emma @ LostinaYAbook

  11. A wonderful mailbox! I loved Dragon Bound & am keen to read Shatter Me..

    My IMM -

    Have a nice week - happy reading :)

  12. Aww, I'm so jealous! I want Shatter Me so bad too! Although I'm happy, since I finally got the latest Night Huntress book. \o/ Hope you enjoy!

    My IMM can be found here!

  13. Lol, only fellow bloggers and book lovers understand the joy of receiving books in the mail!

    Here's my IMM: Goldilox and the Three Weres IMM

    Goldilox :)

  14. I want to read Shatter Me so badly. I have heard such rave reviews of it. When other authors I love rave about a book, I always think it will be a winner! Lucky you!
