Follow Me Friday (37)

Q. What book that hasn't been turned into a movie (yet) would you most like to see make it to the big screen, and who would you like cast as your favorite character?

Browses through my favorite series quickly....I would love Mind Games by Carolyn Crane. An urban Fantasy with a group of people who have these x-men like powers! Totally Cool! As for an YA book, I would say, Nightshade by Andrea Cremer. That would be so cool b/c the first two books are so EPIC! I will have to pass on casting at the moment though. Haven't thought lots about it. BUt I would love unknown actors please!


  1. I still need to get Nightshade and read it. It was on my list when I went out last weekend ... Except I accidentally left that list sitting on my bed. I'll take your word that it would make an awesome film. :p

  2. Hopping through. Nightshade is a fabulous choice! I can't believe I didn't think of that one.
    My Hop

  3. I haven't read any work by Carolyn Crane but the way you describe it in your review I can see why you think I would be a good choice.

    I'm still following along. Happy follow friday!

    Tania @ Wandering Hues

  4. I haven't read these but x-men like powers sound good.

  5. Haven't read this UF series. That's what's GR is for. Will check it out ASAP.
    Happy Friday :-)
    My FF: FollowFriday

  6. Totally would love to see Nightshade in film version!! I think newbie actors would work too, cause then their past roles won't effect how I feel about them playing my fave characters!

    Here's my Friday Hops

    Have a GREAT weekend!

    Old Follower :)

  7. I would love to see Nightshade made in to a movie. I always like movies with werewolves and shifters because I like seeing them change :) Awesome choice!

    My Follow Friday

  8. I have not read this... but going on my list!
    New follower

  9. Great choice. I would love to see Nightshade made into a movie.

    My FF:


  10. Ooh, good choices! Both series are on my TBR. Actually, I got Nightshade from the library so I'll be reading it really soon!!!

    Here's my FF: Goldilox and the Three Weres FF


  11. Happy Friday. I feel left out, I haven;t read those books :-( I'm off to add them to my TBR pile!

    I'm an old follower...well, not old

