
In My Mailbox (30)

I won a $15.00 gift card at Amazon.com as a part of BLOG FEST 2011. I want to thank Lisa @ Once Upon a Chapter for the gift card. I have already read both of these books (WOLFSBANE & DREAMFEVER), but needed to add them to my collection.

I borrowed a few titles which I am excited to read (THE UNBECOMING OF MARA DYER & SOULESS) from my girl Looksie Lovitz. And Even though I got The Iron Queen I do not think I will be reading. Sadly, I did not like the others that I have read.


  1. I'm really jealous that you got/borrowed The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer. I hope it is as great as everyone has been saying.

  2. You can always give away the Iron Queen:P
    Congrats on your win btw!
    Dreamfever looks good. Hope you review it ^^

    Splash of our Worlds Mailbox

  3. I got Wolfsbane too! Along with lots of other great books this week! I don't know where to start!

    Happy Reading! Here's my IMM

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  4. Great IMM! I can't wait to read Wolfsbane. Happy reading
    Ange @ the Moonlight Reader
    My IMM: http://ange-moonlightreader.blogspot.com/2011/07/in-my-mailbox-17_31.html

  5. Great IMM. sounds like you had a nice week. Come visit me as well.

  6. I think Wolfsbane is on every other blog today. Hope you enjoy it!

    Here is my IMM Happy Sunday!

  7. Wow, you won a lot this week! I really want to read Wolfsbane! I hope you enjoy it! Here's my IMM if you want to check it out! Happy reading!

    -Jessica (Peace Love Books)

  8. Great mailbox!
    Sad that you won't read The Iron Queen =( Maybe you can try to trade it at your local bookstore?

    Happy Readgin!

  9. Karen marie monings fever series is totally 100% awesome Its one of my all time favorites!
    Thanks for sharing your IMM


  10. Wow, I'm liking your new blog look. I'm sure its been like this for a while but I was on vacation without a computer :-)

    Paranormal Haven

  11. the iron queen! your going to love it.


  12. Oh, I read Mara Dyer! I didn't love it, but I'll be curious to hear what you think. I have Soulless in my TBR pile, it looks so good. Enjoy your new books!

  13. Great set! Yay for Wolfsbane. It was wonderful meeting you on Friday Mariya!
    My IMM

  14. I LOVED Mara Dyer! Hope you do too! Happy reading!
    Thanks for stopping by My Mailbox.

  15. Love Dreamfever and The Iron Queen! Happy reading :)

  16. Been seeing "Souless" everywhere! Looking forward to your thoughts on it. I can't wait to start reading the Iron Fey Series by Julie Kagawa as well :D Same with "Wolfsbane" everyone's got in on their IMM.

    New follower :D
